Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Run-ning Scared

With the exception of a 7-run outburst in Chicago last Thursday and an 8-run explosion Sunday versus the Braves, this is what the Reds have done offensively the last two weeks (since April 15th) per game:

3, 2, 0, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3

Look, no one was gonna mistake this team for the Big Red Machine coming out of Spring Training... but it's almost May 1st and it's time to start hitting. I've never bought the whole "it's early" argument -- what, do these games count any less than the ones in June or Septemeber?

And if you take away Joey Votto's blazing start... the Reds offensive numbers in April are, well, offensive.

Votto has 28 hits -- the three hitters behind him in the lineup (Phillips, Bruce, Encarnacion) have 37 COMBINED. For an in-depth breakdown of their struggles at the plate, click here.

Incidentally, I have no problem removing Phillips from the clean-up spot -- but who you gonna put there in his place? Exactly, nobody. His approach was much better last night... other than that, there isn't much else anyone can do besides wait for him to get hot.

There were much bigger concerns anyway on Tuesday, such as another shoddy defensive effort (three errors) and Aaron Harang looking very hittable. When Harang is in the middle of the plate and not hitting his spots, I literally close my eyes sometimes because I'm scared to see how far the other team is gonna hit it.

I said about two weeks ago that this team looks a lot like a .500 ballclub, and thru 20 games they're 10-10. I also keep saying that every start is a big one for Edinson Volquez, especially after that seven-walk abomination his last time out. Today is obviously no exception, especially with the off day tomorrow.

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