Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Open Micah

So it turns out an unidentified baseball insider wrote the following blurb last week about Micah Owings after his first (uninspired) start as a Cincinnati Red:

"Did he keep the Reds in the game? Sure. Is he a better option than Homer Bailey right now? Sure. But if you think he's gonna be any better than he was tonight... I wouldn't get your hopes up."

What savvy baseball mind wrote that? Oh yeah, it was me.

His 3/4 delivery isn't fooling anyone so far this season, and with no plus breaking ball to throw into the mix he's been very hittable.

But considering his career OPS as a hitter is .904, I'm not ready to jump ship just yet. Especially after stumbling upon this amazing pic of him...

Incidentally, Bailey might not be a better option but maybe Matt Maloney is... he's 2-0 down at Lousiville with a 2.03 ERA in two solid starts.

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